Rocker the Red

You haven't seen any trolls around here have you!? But where are my manners - I'm Rocker.  I prefer things a little quieter than my brother...just a small park would be my cup of tea.

My cousin Yulen has a nice little park across the bridge and a ways. Maybe I should go visit him for some peace and quiet...


By Rocker the Red

There's trolls under there

there's trolls under there 

I saw them - I know it! 

I tell you - I swear! 

Sound the alarm!

empty the street!

they'll gobble us up

for an after-meal treat!

they'll sit under bridges

and wait for a step 

when they hear us coming

the trolls will be prepped!

to jump out and grab us

our ankles and toes

they'll take us on down 

where the slimy things grow!

I saw him all wet and warty and gross

wait, you say that you've seen a couple of those?

the troll that I saw was a frog, so you say?

then I guess This bridge is probably Okay....

